What is Abacus?
Abacus is a simple tool used to perform arithmetic calculations. Abacus was invented and used for calculations at ancient times and now widely used to teach basic maths and mental arithmatic. It helps children to do fast calculations in mind by visualizing Abacus bead movements and improve their concentration. Researches proves that children who learn abacus uses both hemispheres of the brain effectively.
The ѕоrоbаn iѕ аn аbасuѕ dеvеlореd in Jараn (gеnеrаllу rеfеrrеd tо as a Jараnеѕе аbасuѕ). Thе soroban consists оf an оdd number оf соlumnѕ оr rоdѕ, еасh hаving bеаdѕ: one bеаd hаving a wоrth of 5 (rеfеrrеd to аѕ hеаvеn bеаdѕ) аnd 4 beads еасh having a value оf 1 (rеfеrrеd to as еаrth bеаdѕ). Eасh ѕеt оf beads of every rod iѕ ѕрlit bу a bar оftеn called as beam.
Our Cool Kids Abacus Program
Early birds: Suitable for ages 4 and 5 who can read and write numbers up to 99.
- Introduction to abacus
- Simple addition and substraction one digit
- simple addition and substraction two digit numbers
- Basic visualisation skills
- Simple dictation using abacus
Intermediate Level:
- Introduction of number bond to 5 (small friends) and number bond to 10 (big friends)
- Learning all of abacus formulas
- Introduction to flash Flash Anzan
- Times table up to 9X9
- Introduction to multiplication
- Advance addition and subtraction
- advance multiplication
- introduction to division
Advance level:
- Advance addition and subtraction
- Advance multiplication
- Introduction to decimal numbers
- Division